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Writer's pictureevelinedejonckheer

First step in purchase

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Buying a house in Italy naturally entails a lot of questions and uncertainties.

We already help in advance to request all necessary documents and to have the first checks carried out so that you can make that dream home yours with peace of mind.

👉Checking the preliminary purchase agreement

Drawing up and signing the preliminary purchase agreement (contratto preliminare di vendita) is the most important phase in the entire buying process, as it commits the seller and buyer to sell a particular property for a particular price.have it checked by an expert.Our consultant can read and check the preliminary purchase agreement for you and thus clarify any ambiguities or notice shortcomings and then propose additions and adjustments so that the agreement is legally correct and offers sufficient protection to you as a buyer.

👉Owners and Property Control

This is done by requesting the “visure” in the real estate register, which states who the owners are, as well as how the property is administratively known (for example, not as a residence but as storage space).

👉Request floor plans

If you have bought a house with land and the owner does not have maps of the site or the house available, we can send them to you by e-mail. If you want to use this service, you must provide us with a copy of the owner's identity card and we will also provide you with a document (delega) in advance that must be signed by the owner and sent back to us.

👉Agricultural Pre-emption Right on property

If you buy a house with agricultural land (which will often be the case when you buy something in the countryside), you must take into account the agricultural pre-emption right for neighbors who are registered as independent farmers. Therefore, the seller must have the preliminary purchase agreement served on the neighbors to inform them correctly about the price and terms of the sale. After service, the farmer-neighbor has 30 days to exercise his pre-emption right. If a neighbor/farmer is not addressed correctly, he still has 12 months after the final notarial transfer of ownership to exercise his pre-emptive right, with all the unpleasant consequences that entails. If you would prefer not to leave this responsibility solely to the seller (in the end there is a risk that afterwards only the buyer will be left with the problems), after the necessary research, we can provide you with the details of all neighbors and draw up the accompanying letter that ( signed by the seller) can be delivered to the neighbors together with the preliminary purchase agreement.

👉Fiscal code (codice fiscale)

If you want to buy a property in Italy, you need an Italian fiscal code or codice fiscal. We can request this for you.

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